Convenient & Secure Telehealth Care
With telehealth services you can access care from the privacy of your home or any private setting you choose. Additionally, Cogent offers secure data management, as well as neurodiverse and persons with a disability, telehealth accessibility options. Cogent services follow HIPAA guidelines.
Evidence-Based Wellness
Wellness is a whole person approach. Utilizing research proven data, Cogent offers individualized care in cognition, emotion, trauma, behavior, spirituality or purpose focus, longevity, and mind/body biophysical processes.
Cogent offers a number of payment options. Most healthcare plans are accepted. Additionally, Cogent offers fee for service to the uninsured, split-pay, as well as sliding scale payment options in order to increase access to care for more in the community.
Licensed Therapist and post doctoral candidate in Clinical Psychology/Integral Health/Biophysics
Dr. Lita Ann Carvalho, LMFT (#113252)
I am a mom, a daughter and a survivor of trauma who understands the lived experiences of adversity and its impact on the whole person. For that reason, I chose to become a researcher in clinical psychology and biophysics, and to incorporate this knowledge into my practice as a licensed marriage and family therapist [MFT #113252].